Loan Against Property

Loan Against Property / Lease Rental discounting for your business expansion!

Unlock the value of your property with a loan against property. This financial solution allows you to leverage the equity in your property to secure a substantial loan amount for various needs.

Property - Backed Solutions

At LAKSHMONEY, we specialize in providing hassle-free Loan Against Property (LAP), Lease Rental Discounting (LRD) solutions tailored to your requirements. Whether you're looking to expand your business, finance your child's education, or consolidate high-interest debt, our LAP / LRD offerings offer flexibility, competitive rates, and convenient repayment options.

With our streamlined application process and personalized service, accessing the funds you need has never been easier.

  • Loan against Commercial Property
  • Loan against Residential Property
  • Loan against Industrial Property
  • Lease Rental Discounting

Loan Calculator


Loan Calculator

**Note: For exceeding 120 no. of payments, a group of 12 payments will be combined into a single payment number for better chart visibility.


Our Expert Assistance

Our expert loan-agents will guide you from selecting the right loan product all the way to loan-disbursement.

  • We have relationships with large network of Banks and NBFCs to help get deliver the best loan product for you.

  • There are no hidden charges and we keep you informed & updated about everything, throughout the process of loan acquisition.

  • Our expert will collect all the required documents from you at your doorstep, so that you won't have to step out.

  • We coordinate at each step, resolve all issues & constantly follow up with the Banks to help expedite the loan sanction.

  • All our agents are experienced and trained about the various loan products and the related process.

  • You do not incur any hidden charges for your loan approval or for providing information.