Education Loan

Transform your future with Education Loan!

Educational dreams are made achievable with our Educational Loan offerings. An Educational Loan is a financial tool designed to support students and their families in financing higher education expenses, including tuition fees, books, accommodation, and other related costs.

Realize your dream Education!

We understand the importance of education in shaping futures. Our Educational Loan solutions provide students with the financial support they need to pursue their academic aspirations without the burden of immediate financial strain.


With competitive interest rates, flexible repayment options, and personalized guidance, we're committed to making the dream of education a reality for every student. Join us in investing in a brighter future with LAKSHMONEY today!

  • Education Loan - India & Abroad
  • Short-term Education Loans
  • Education Loan for Professionals

Loan Calculator


Loan Calculator

**Note: For exceeding 120 no. of payments, a group of 12 payments will be combined into a single payment number for better chart visibility.


Our Expert Assistance

Our expert loan-agents will guide you from selecting the right loan product all the way to loan-disbursement.

  • We have relationships with large network of Banks and NBFCs to help get deliver the best loan product for you.

  • There are no hidden charges and we keep you informed & updated about everything, throughout the process of loan acquisition.

  • Our expert will collect all the required documents from you at your doorstep, so that you won't have to step out.

  • We coordinate at each step, resolve all issues & constantly follow up with the Banks to help expedite the loan sanction.

  • All our agents are experienced and trained about the various loan products and the related process.

  • You do not incur any hidden charges for your loan approval or for providing information.